Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Critique of Association between Clinical Manifestations of Complicated Assignment

Critique of Association between Clinical Manifestations of Complicated and Uncomplicated Peptic Ulcer and Visceral Sensory Dysfunction Article - Assignment Example The article was definitely useful in furthering research on complicated peptic ulcers in terms of identifying other significant manifestations, especially in cases where visceral sensation and early symptoms are not evident. Since the age factor has been critically identified as an important contributory factor that diminished visceral sensation, medical practitioners who suspect patients suffering from BUP must be vigilant in addressing the illness through more effective medical interventions. The conclusion of the authors that â€Å"identification, elimination, and management of risk factors are essential for reducing the incidence of BPU† is appropriate and concisely accurate. Other research studies on the subject particularly the article written by Dr. Sidney Cohen indicated that â€Å"the typical ulcer tends to heal and recur. Thus, pain may occur for days or weeks and then wane or disappear. Symptoms can vary with the location of the ulcer and the person's age. For example, children and older people may not have the usual symptoms or may have no symptoms at all. In these instances, ulcers are discovered only when complications develop† (Cohen, 2006, 1). As indicated, older people have greater tendencies not to manifest any significant symptoms to immediately address the illness. However, due to the age factor per se, regular and frequent monitoring of the stomach should be part of medical check-ups even when patients do not complain of discomfort or pain.

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