Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Social Media Has A Heavy Influence On An Individuals Self...

Often times it happens that we, as a curious people, become so engrossed in a synthetic reality that it eventually takes over and becomes a part of our existential being. This paper will address how this virtual reality in the form of social media has a heavy influence on an individual’s self-esteem. Merriam-Webster denotes this (‘self-esteem’) as a â€Å"feeling of having respect for yourself and your abilities† (Onomatopoeia, n.d.). Having both positive and negative effects, we will see how social media usage is portrayed on a global scale, as well as on an individual level. The methods I’ll be using are identifying key features from journals and non-scientific websites to understand how exactly this issue persists in a society where self-identification is heavily bolstered. Having said that, I, myself am a huge social media devotee. A large portion of my daily life has become sustained by the use of social media, so I will be able to provide a pe rsonal point of view to how it becomes influential on our self-esteem. The purpose of this paper is to distinguish a correlation between social media usage and levels of self-esteem. It is my belief that those who have a higher usage of social media have a lower level of self-esteem, while those who have a lower usage of social media may have a higher level of self-esteem. There are many benefits to using social media, although many are not aware that there are also many drawbacks. This paper will prove to be very beneficial as itShow MoreRelatedSocial Media And Social Networking1459 Words   |  6 Pagesthe first email was delivered, social media has taken the world by a storm with millions of demographic groups choosing to connect through social networking platforms that facilitate a multifaceted level of online communication. 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