Monday, December 30, 2019

Aspects of Child Abuse and Neglect - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 554 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/04/08 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Child Abuse Essay Did you like this example? There are around 7 billion people living on earth and every single person is different. They have different likes, dislikes, emotions, memories and experiences. However for some people their memories and past experiences are parts of their lives that they wished they could forget. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Aspects of Child Abuse and Neglect" essay for you Create order Many of these children were affected by abuse. Many children grow up in safe and happy environments where both parents love them, they have food on their table, and a roof over their head. They are able to look back on their memoires and remember all of the fun they had and how good their life was. They will be able to have a childhood that positively affected them. However, some children are not as fortunate and they grow up in a home where they lack a safe and healthy environment. Child abuse is a flagrant problem in the United States that affects many children and leaves an impact on them throughout the rest of their life. Day by day the safety of children are threatened by child abuse and neglect. Each form of child abuse has its different characteristics Child abuse is a very serious problem in the world today, some may even say its a global problem in the United States today. Child abuse is an issue that reoccurs around the world to innocent young children. My client Mr. Jones could relate to an issue as such being that he was sexually abused at the age of 7 years old, according to retrospective studies one in ten men report that they were victims of sexual abuse during their childhood(Child sexual abuse victims as witness) he stated that being sexually abused as a child was tough when asked why he also stated when I think about all the things Ive been through as a child I get depressed all over again and I dont want to talk in recent studies sexually abused children are more likely to experience internalizing (depression, anxiety, symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder)and externalizing behavior (sexualized behavior, oppositional behavior, conduct problems) compared to non-victims (Berliner,2011; Paolucci,genius,Violato,2011). Mr. Jones expressed in one of our recent interviews that as a child he had gotten taken away from his biological mother due to being exposed to drugs. He also expressed that his mother was sexually abused at the age of 9 years old quantative data suggests that mothers with a history of child sexual abuse endorse negative feelings about themselves as parents, low perceived confidence in parenting, and decreased feelings of control and satisfaction in the parenting role (Banyard, 1997) Mr. jones states that he felt like his mother felt like she wasnt a great mother so she turned to drugs as a coping method which later was the cause of her death. Todays society often assumes that children are a product of their parenting. This is true to a degree but often they are a product of their environment. Weve heard the old saying, the fruit doesnt fall far from the tree and most of us were told, what happens in our home, stays in our home. This type of attitude has raised generations of hurting children into hurting adults. The topic of sexual molestation and abuse of children was something that, years ago, was never discussed. Sexual abuse occurred but wasnt admitted, talked about, or dealt with.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Mrs. Joe in Charles Dickens Great Expectations Essay

Mrs. Joe in Charles Dickens Great Expectations Dickens uses Mrs. Joes devilish appearance and controlling behaviour to compare to Joes angelic looks and kindhearted deeds in the early part of the novel. Pip and Joe both fear Mrs. Joe because of her violent actions, this brings them closer together which is significant throughout the book. She is also the only female role model Pip has early on in life, twisting his vision of the perfect woman later on. Our first impressions of Mrs. Joes are of a cold and domineering woman because of the way Dickens describes her appearance. The colours used to portray Mrs. Joe are fairly daunting: black hair and eyes redness of skin, The black is quite a morbid colour†¦show more content†¦Dickens uses Mrs. Joe in order to unite Pip and Joe early on in the book by her violent acts. This relationship between the two is very important especially nearer the end of the book when Pip is in trouble. Both Pip and Joe suffered form Mrs. Joe, which is why they felt closer to one another: Joe and I being fellow-sufferers, and having confidences as such, Pip knew that Joe was the only one he could trust and that Joe trusted him as well. This compassion between the two is seen again when Pip is in debt. Even though he cut himself off from Joe, they still loved each other at heart: Joe had paid it, and the receipt was in his name. Joe had prevented Pip from being in debt although earlier in the book Pip had made it obvious he wanted nothing to do with Joe. If they had not had such a strong companionship because of Mrs. Joe, then Joe would have never paid off Pips debts. Dickens also uses Mrs. Joe as the main female character in Pips young life. Therefore making Pip think that all women are like his sister, so he does not realise how malevolent Estella really is and can only obey her like he is forced to obey Mrs. Joe. Since Mrs. Joe is constantly trying to remind Pip that she is far better than him, Pip is under the impression that women are superior to him and will let them manipulate him. Pip does exactly as Mrs. Joe says: Tell me directly what youve been doing I have only been to the churchyard, said I, from myShow MoreRelatedEssay on Charles Dickens Great Expectations1135 Words   |  5 Pages Great Expectations’ main character, Phillip Pirrip- generally known as Pip- had a rough upbringing as a child. His sister, Mrs. Joe had â€Å"brought him up by hand†, after their parents and five brothers had all been laid to rest many years ago. Another character, Herbert Pocket experienced a bizarre childhood, though in a different manner. Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations develops through the novel following Pip, a young â€Å"common boy† who grew up in the countryside. 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Aside from the political and economic change which occurred, a profound social change tookRead MoreGreat Expectations Analysis1614 Words   |  7 PagesGreat Expectations was written by Char les Dickens during the Victorian period and follows the life of Pip, our protagonist, as he works his way up the social hierarchy of the Victorian society. It was first published as series from 1860 to 1861. It is written as a bildungsroman: a genre of writing which pursues the life of a character from their childhood to their adult life. This novel has been hugely influenced by the author’s own life; who also worked his way up the social ladder. The story isRead MoreThe Reflection Of Charles Dickens Great Expectations1590 Words   |  7 Pages The Reflection of Charles Dickens in Great Expectations Introduction: The general definition of reflection is† to bring or cast as result â€Å". 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Useful Phrases for Structured Structured Monologue Free Essays

Useful Phrases for Structured Structured Monologue M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Structuring When delivering a structured monologue, one of the ways to begin your presentation is to outline its structure, using one of the following phrases: I’ve divided my presentation/speech into three (main) parts. In my presentation/speech I’ll focus on three major issues. We will write a custom essay sample on Useful Phrases for Structured Structured Monologue or any similar topic only for you Order Now M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Effective Openings In order to grab the attention of the audience you may employ one of the following devices: Rhetorical questions; Interesting facts; Stories and scenarios; Problems to think about; Quotations. M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Rhetorical questions Is market research important for product development? Do we really need time management seminars? Interesting facts According to an article I read recently, †¦ Did you know that †¦ ? I’d like to share an amazing fact / figure with you. M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Stories and Scenarios Let me tell you what happened to me †¦ Suppose †¦ Imagine †¦ Problem Problem to think about Suppose you wanted to †¦ . How would you go about it? Imagine you had to †¦ . What would be your first step? M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Quoting a well-known person As †¦ once said, †¦ To quote a well-known writer, †¦ To To put it in the words of †¦ M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Introducing a Point When delivering the presentation on the particular subject it is relevant to introduce the key points. You may use one of the following phrases: First First of all I’d like to point out †¦ The main problem is †¦ The question of †¦ Speaking of †¦ M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Enumeration of points If you are asked to provide several reasons, factors or arguments in a row, you have to organize them in the logical way. In order to structure your answer properly enumerate the main points using one of the suggested phrases: first first of all, I’d like to say †¦ in addition to that †¦ moreover, †¦ furthermore, †¦ another example of this is †¦ first, second, third †¦ Finally, †¦ M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Moving to the next point This leads directly to my next point. This brings us to the next question. Let’s now move on / turn to †¦ After examining this point, let’s turn to †¦ Let’s now take a look at †¦ M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Going back As I said / mentioned earlier, †¦ Let me come back to what I said before †¦ Let’s go back to what we were discussing earlier. As I’ve already explained, †¦ As I pointed out in the first section, †¦ M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Stating something as a fact Do not be afraid to state some information as a well-known act, if it is justified by the subject of discussion. However, you should be very careful when applying one of the following phrases: As As everyone knows †¦ It is generally accepted that †¦ There can be no doubt that †¦ It is a fact that †¦ Nobody will deny that â⠂¬ ¦ Everyone knows that †¦ M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Giving Your Opinion There exist a variety of ways how to express your opinion when speaking English. The choice of an expression to be used in the particular situation depends on how strong your opinion is, i. e. how sure you are about a articular thing. M. Platonova „Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Giving Your Opinion Neutrally I think†¦ I feel that†¦ In my opinion†¦ As As far as I’m concerned†¦ As I see it†¦ In my view I tend to think that†¦ From my point of view†¦ M. Platonova „Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Giving a Strong Opinion I’m absolutely convinced that†¦ I’m sure that†¦ I strongly believe that†¦ I have no doubt that†¦ There is no doubt that †¦ I am absolutely certain that †¦ M. Platonova „Mate rials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Expressing Uncertainty I definitely doubt if that †¦ I am not sure that †¦ I am not certain that †¦ As far as I know †¦ It is very doubtful whether †¦ M. Platonova „Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Giving reasons These standard phrases are useful in a variety of situations, when you are asked to explain something providing additional information or giving the reasons. The reason for this is (that) †¦ I base my argument on †¦ I tell you all this because †¦ M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Rephrasing Expressions Sometimes we say things that other people don’t understand, or we give the wrong impression. If you are asked to explain or clarify your idea, do not use the same expressions and/or phrases, try to reformulate it starting your answer using one of the following phrases: M. Platonova „Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† What I meant to say was†¦ Let me rephrase that†¦ Let me put this another way†¦ Perhaps Perhaps I’m not making myself clear†¦ The basic idea is†¦ One way of looking at it is†¦ Another way of looking at it is†¦ What I want to say is†¦ M. Platonova „Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Indicating the end of your talk I’m now approaching / nearing the end of my resentation. Well, this brings me to the end of my presentation. That covers just about everything I wanted to say about †¦ As a final point, I’d like to †¦ Finally, I’d like to highlight one key issue. M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centra lised Exam† Drawing conclusions and sum-ming up The obvious conclusion is †¦ Last but not least †¦ The only alternative (left) is †¦ The The only possible solution/conclusion is †¦ In conclusion we can say that †¦ To cut a long story short, †¦ Just to give you the main points again, †¦ M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† How to cite Useful Phrases for Structured Structured Monologue, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Marketing & Management

Question: Write essay onHSBC holding plc. Answer: Introduction HSBC holding plc is a multinational company which was established in Britain and is headquartered in London. Today, it holds the forth position in the worlds largest banks in terms of the assets. The total assets was supposed to be US $2.67 trillion. It was first established in London by the Hong Kong and Shanghai Corporation Limited as a new holding company. The HSBC group was first found in India in October 1853. It started with an initial capital of 5 million INR. The HSBC group is expanded though more than 8 thousand offices in more than 87 countries and are serving more than 100 million customers worldwide (Naresh, 2013). These offices are spread in Europe, Asia-Pacific region, Middle East, Africa and America. They accumulated a total assets of 2.4 billion till June 30 2010. It is considered as one of the biggest financial banking corporation around the globe. They also marketed themselves as the worlds local bank across all nations. The HSBC business has based out their operati on on 5 main pillars known as their 5 core principles of business: efficient and effective operations, strong liquidity and strong capacity, tightened expense discipline and easy lending policies (Sarwade, 2012). Segmentation, positioning and targeting of HSBC credit card Segmentation of HSBC credit card: HSBC follows the strategy of isolating the different segments in the market and then take the approach of segmented marketing. They have their own way of segmenting the market and that is based on creditability (Hyyppa, 2013). They push different types of credit card to different segments in the market on the basis of clustered preference of these segments. They also follow segmentation on the basis of geographical locations like based on states, cities, different regions etc. Their main agenda is always target both the urban and sub-urban market requirements. As the families in the modern culture are setup in such a way that both the parents in a family are working and the disposable income of families have gone up (Sheth, 2012). So keeping this in mind, HSBC has divided the market on the basis of the disposable income of the individuals, their social needs and their occupation. Further, people who fall in the same segment based in above classification may also vary on the basis of the psychological profiles depending on different personality and lifestyle. For this scenario, HSBC has collaborated with Westside and launched cobranded card that is considered as a prestigious card to hold (Chopek, 2013). HSBC also segment t market based on some other attributes/demographics of customers like customers attitude, usage, knowledge and feedback of the product. Targeting of HSBC credit card: HSBC targets its customers from Personal Banking, investments, assets based on the credibility of the customers. HSBC mostly targets on the existing customers to offer them better discounts and prospects to spend more on their credit card instead of always searching for new customers. They always work on bringing new rebates, discounts to their existing customers so that they can amplify their revenues from the existing customer base (Mohanasundaram, 2012). HSBC also offers new cards to the customers but from the viewpoint that the expense of non-performing assets will be minimum. Their main focus to clear out the credit card portfolio and maintain the growth rate on a continuous basis (Wang, 2012). Another major area where the company focuses is to upgrade the existing credit cards based on different income slabs of the customers. There are no prior eligibility of the customers of HSBC to get HSBC Premier credit card. The customers can have their card upgraded to premier card based on their card performance. HSBC covers the customers from all age groups by targeting the Westside store customers. As and when the urbanization is increasing, customer density is also increasing and hence HSBC is able to cater to the customers with maximum utilization of resources with minimum no of outlets (Jackson, 2016). HSBC are focusing on those customers here who are having a moderate salary as the products here are moderately priced. HSBC are focusing on the customers who are shopaholic in nature as they are most potential customers for HSBC to buy their credit cards. They are doing this by collaborating with Westside. Positioning of HSBC credit card HSBC plan to position their products to the customers as the one with better offers. They offer products as cheaper and new products as compared to its competitors. They differentiate their products from others by providing different lucrative offers (YANG, 2013). They follow customer- benefit approach as a targeting strategy. They differentiate themselves from others by providing features like fuel discounts, annual free gifts, airlines miles rewards, etc. They also offer superior and privileged savings for better shopping experience to its loyal customers. The credit offered by the HSBC is also globally accepted in more than 18 million outlets in the world. It has an access to more than 700 thousand ATM all round the clock. It also provides secured online payment option which is password protected and that too free of charge. Above all, they also provide no cost liability of the card when it is lost (Dibb, 2014). Micro and Macro environment forces affecting HSBC Micro environment factors: There are a lot of microeconomic factors which affect the HSBC Company which includes stakeholders, suppliers, customers, etc. Stakeholders: These are the people who have the highest priority in making any decision of the company so that their interest are covered in the decision making. There are many stakeholders of the company which includes government, local public, media people, internal people like employees, citizens, etc. These are the people who are directly involved in the decision making of the company and are the ones who are to be taken care of by the company (Manappa, 2012). Suppliers: Suppliers is one of the most important section of the self to cash cycle. They are the one from where the whole delivery cycle starts. It is very important for any company to maintain a strong bind with their suppliers as they are the ones who enable a company to be successful by providing all the supplies to the company. This is one segment which ones on relationships. HSBC does the same thing which is expected i.e. they maintain a very strong relationship with their suppliers (Sherman, 2015). Customers: We know that the customers are the centers for any business to run. HSBC takes utmost care of its customers and divide the customer market into 5 main markets: business clients, customers, government, reseller market and international clients. HSBC works hard to maintain their international relationship strong with their client for profits in the long run (Shafaat, 2012). Competitors: These are the ones who are responsible for making the business environment dynamic and inspire companies to come up something unique which is not available with others and which provides a differential factor to them. Market intermediaries: There are many third parties with whom HSBC partner for their promotion, distribution and selling processes. They also form a very important partner in the success of HSBC and have to be dealt with care (Jrvinen, 2012). Macroeconomic environment factors of HSBC: External Climate: In the year 1998, a major branding of the company was done when a global brand was introduced for HSBC along with its symbol in the hexagonal share. This symbol is known all over the world denoting HSBC. The company is not planning to make its brand universally synonymous spreading its core values of trust, integrity and excellent customer services (Deodhar, 2016). Economic factors: there are many economic factors which affect the products and services offered to the customers based on their preferences and expectation. This is achieved by partnering with a lot of companies which help them to attain what is required by the customers (Matatko, 2015). Political and legal factors: As we know that HSBC is operating in many countries which have different political and legal scenarios and it is important for the company to deal with each of them separately. The team of HSBC ensures the products and services offered by the company are accepted globally irrespective of region, culture, and they also make sure that they have skills and expertise to deliver globally. They have to deal with the global political and legal scenarios in an effective way (Babu, 2014). Cultural factors: HSBC makes sure that they provide solution to the people in all aspects ranging from global cash flow coordination to improved security, minimized costs, better operating expenses, better returns. This culture which is followed by HSBC makes the customers of HSBC happy and satisfied customers (Gurnani, 2014). Resources: The resources used by HSBC are the face of the company. The brand name of the company holds a lot of value in the eyes of the customers. The flag which was developed to denote the company logo was derived from the HSBCs traditional flag. Technology: The technology used by the company have been based on achieving High productivity, forming a unique organization. They build their core values based on integrity, trust and excellent customer services (Lee, 2014). Analysis of customer perceptions and behavior about the company Customers perception and customer satisfaction can be measured by how much the products and services offered by the company meets the customer expectations. It is considered to be one of the most important KPIs of the company and is considered to be one of the most important part of the companys nosiness strategy (Kumar, 2013). HSBC has been successful in retaining their existing customers and have always succeeded in increasing their customer base every year. This is a clear indication that the perception of the company among its customers is good. Although customer satisfaction is one topic which is ambiguous and it is difficult to understand the customers totally. The perception of the company can be measured by physical and psychological variables which measures the satisfaction level of the customers. It is of course a psychological state to be satisfied and it is attained when the customer gets everything which is expected by them and if they get something extra, then that becomes the wow factor for them (McCord, 2014). Various factors which will help to understand the customer perception and behaviors about the company are: Tangible factors: this will include physical facilities that are provided to the customers. All this include the tangible benefits which are offered to the customers which can be measured, valued, etc. Reliability: This is a trust which is being developed by the company by providing services to them on time so that the customers become dependable on the company and its offerings (Elaydi, 2013). Responsiveness: This is something where the company has to reply immediately to the expectation of the customers. Assurance: This is one factor which includes credibility, courtesy, security, accuracy in the work done by the company (Jnior, 2013). Empathy: These include communication, credibility, and security to the customers to have the right perspective to the customers. All these observations say that the customers of the company have a positive perception about the company and they believe in the core values of the company. They have trust on the company and they are delighted with the services provide by the company. One live example of these factors is even though the price of the credit cards of the company is too high as compared to other companies but still the customers are ready to be associated with HSBC as they have a good brand name (MAMUN, 2014). Marketing mix for the company HSBC Product: The bank offers credit card to its customers with various offers and benefits. The main advantage of the credit card offered by the company is 52 days credit card period for the payment of the credit card dues. They also provide their customers the facility of cash advance within some credit limit. There are different credit card that are being offered by the company to the customers which include: HSBC classic credit card, HSBC platinum credit card, HSBC gold credit card, HSBC Westside cobranded classic credit card, HSBC Westside cobranded Gold credit card (Escrig, 2014). The HSBC credit card also provides the customers the facility to transfer the balance which help them to transfer other dues for payment at lower interest rates. They also provide the facility to provide Loan on phones. They also have collaborated with CPP Assistance Service Pvt. Ltd. To allow services to the customers in case the card is lost, stolen, or any other frauds, etc. Price: The price of the HSBC credit card is high as compared to the other credit cards available in the market. Still, the customers choose to take the credit cards of the HSBC Company as they have a good brand name and have built trust among their customers. HSBC also charges some annual fees for the credit cards they offer and they also charge some joining fee for some of their credit cards. Place: The Company has a presence in many countries. They provide a lot of services to its customers which help them to avail those services while they travel abroad as well. They have a marketing advantage over others as they have enormous international presence. The customers of the company are given the facility to approach any of the branches of the company in any location to avail different services offered to its customers. They have developed a very strong distribution channel for their products and services so that they can reach out to their customers easily. Furthermore, their collaboration with the Westside has helped the company to grow enormously and to reach out to more people using the customer base of the Westside. Promotion: HSBC believes in forming a strong promotion of the company so that company can develop a good brand image and can use direct marketing strategies. There are many promotion strategies that can be used for reaching out to the customers like emails, brochures, advertising, cobranding, hoardings, etc. The sole aim of the company is to create a positive image among the customers. The Westside association helped the company in a lot of ways to reach out to the perspective customers. They also provide a lot of offers, coupons, deals and discounts to the customers so that they get attracted in buying and using more of the HSBC credit cards. They also introduce various cash back schemes while booking air tickets, buying expensive electronic items, booking holiday packages, etc. For example it has partnered with MakeMyTrip and are providing 5% to 10% discounts to the customers while using HSBC credit card to book flights in MakeMyTrip. The main aim of the company is to provide different products to the customers so that the horizons of the company can rise and the communication system of the company become robust. They also offer their customers cards which asks for pin code while swiping them at different merchant stores which ensure total security to the customers in cases of lost and theft. These products are for those customers who focus more on the security of the credit cards. Recommendations and conclusion to HSBC There are several recommendation which can be given to HSBC to improve their current operations and to excel more. Some of them are like the company has to follow a wait and react approach where they need to observes other businesses as how they are implementing their strategies and what offers they are providing to the customers and according the strategies of the companies should be finalized. They have to analyze their different teams and their operations like the combined risk which the company is taking while implementing any strategy, valuation of the solutions recommended, economics of the operational processes and the Human Resource Teams. For the banking companies it is always recommended to have a backup plan ready for the crisis situation or the scenarios where there is recession and the customers become more skeptical about investment or buying credit cards. They always have to reevaluate the assets they have and to execute portfolio reevaluation so that the risk is alway s divided among all. In the last decade the company has backed a lot of awards based on the companys effective and efficient business strategies. But at the same time the competition is increasing so the competitive advantage of any company does not last for long. So HSBC has to always involve new technologies to offer best solutions to its customers. 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