Monday, December 30, 2019

Aspects of Child Abuse and Neglect - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 554 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/04/08 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Child Abuse Essay Did you like this example? There are around 7 billion people living on earth and every single person is different. They have different likes, dislikes, emotions, memories and experiences. However for some people their memories and past experiences are parts of their lives that they wished they could forget. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Aspects of Child Abuse and Neglect" essay for you Create order Many of these children were affected by abuse. Many children grow up in safe and happy environments where both parents love them, they have food on their table, and a roof over their head. They are able to look back on their memoires and remember all of the fun they had and how good their life was. They will be able to have a childhood that positively affected them. However, some children are not as fortunate and they grow up in a home where they lack a safe and healthy environment. Child abuse is a flagrant problem in the United States that affects many children and leaves an impact on them throughout the rest of their life. Day by day the safety of children are threatened by child abuse and neglect. Each form of child abuse has its different characteristics Child abuse is a very serious problem in the world today, some may even say its a global problem in the United States today. Child abuse is an issue that reoccurs around the world to innocent young children. My client Mr. Jones could relate to an issue as such being that he was sexually abused at the age of 7 years old, according to retrospective studies one in ten men report that they were victims of sexual abuse during their childhood(Child sexual abuse victims as witness) he stated that being sexually abused as a child was tough when asked why he also stated when I think about all the things Ive been through as a child I get depressed all over again and I dont want to talk in recent studies sexually abused children are more likely to experience internalizing (depression, anxiety, symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder)and externalizing behavior (sexualized behavior, oppositional behavior, conduct problems) compared to non-victims (Berliner,2011; Paolucci,genius,Violato,2011). Mr. Jones expressed in one of our recent interviews that as a child he had gotten taken away from his biological mother due to being exposed to drugs. He also expressed that his mother was sexually abused at the age of 9 years old quantative data suggests that mothers with a history of child sexual abuse endorse negative feelings about themselves as parents, low perceived confidence in parenting, and decreased feelings of control and satisfaction in the parenting role (Banyard, 1997) Mr. jones states that he felt like his mother felt like she wasnt a great mother so she turned to drugs as a coping method which later was the cause of her death. Todays society often assumes that children are a product of their parenting. This is true to a degree but often they are a product of their environment. Weve heard the old saying, the fruit doesnt fall far from the tree and most of us were told, what happens in our home, stays in our home. This type of attitude has raised generations of hurting children into hurting adults. The topic of sexual molestation and abuse of children was something that, years ago, was never discussed. Sexual abuse occurred but wasnt admitted, talked about, or dealt with.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Mrs. Joe in Charles Dickens Great Expectations Essay

Mrs. Joe in Charles Dickens Great Expectations Dickens uses Mrs. Joes devilish appearance and controlling behaviour to compare to Joes angelic looks and kindhearted deeds in the early part of the novel. Pip and Joe both fear Mrs. Joe because of her violent actions, this brings them closer together which is significant throughout the book. She is also the only female role model Pip has early on in life, twisting his vision of the perfect woman later on. Our first impressions of Mrs. Joes are of a cold and domineering woman because of the way Dickens describes her appearance. The colours used to portray Mrs. Joe are fairly daunting: black hair and eyes redness of skin, The black is quite a morbid colour†¦show more content†¦Dickens uses Mrs. Joe in order to unite Pip and Joe early on in the book by her violent acts. This relationship between the two is very important especially nearer the end of the book when Pip is in trouble. Both Pip and Joe suffered form Mrs. Joe, which is why they felt closer to one another: Joe and I being fellow-sufferers, and having confidences as such, Pip knew that Joe was the only one he could trust and that Joe trusted him as well. This compassion between the two is seen again when Pip is in debt. Even though he cut himself off from Joe, they still loved each other at heart: Joe had paid it, and the receipt was in his name. Joe had prevented Pip from being in debt although earlier in the book Pip had made it obvious he wanted nothing to do with Joe. If they had not had such a strong companionship because of Mrs. Joe, then Joe would have never paid off Pips debts. Dickens also uses Mrs. Joe as the main female character in Pips young life. Therefore making Pip think that all women are like his sister, so he does not realise how malevolent Estella really is and can only obey her like he is forced to obey Mrs. Joe. Since Mrs. Joe is constantly trying to remind Pip that she is far better than him, Pip is under the impression that women are superior to him and will let them manipulate him. Pip does exactly as Mrs. Joe says: Tell me directly what youve been doing I have only been to the churchyard, said I, from myShow MoreRelatedEssay on Charles Dickens Great Expectations1135 Words   |  5 Pages Great Expectations’ main character, Phillip Pirrip- generally known as Pip- had a rough upbringing as a child. His sister, Mrs. Joe had â€Å"brought him up by hand†, after their parents and five brothers had all been laid to rest many years ago. Another character, Herbert Pocket experienced a bizarre childhood, though in a different manner. Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations develops through the novel following Pip, a young â€Å"common boy† who grew up in the countryside. 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Aside from the political and economic change which occurred, a profound social change tookRead MoreGreat Expectations Analysis1614 Words   |  7 PagesGreat Expectations was written by Char les Dickens during the Victorian period and follows the life of Pip, our protagonist, as he works his way up the social hierarchy of the Victorian society. It was first published as series from 1860 to 1861. It is written as a bildungsroman: a genre of writing which pursues the life of a character from their childhood to their adult life. This novel has been hugely influenced by the author’s own life; who also worked his way up the social ladder. The story isRead MoreThe Reflection Of Charles Dickens Great Expectations1590 Words   |  7 Pages The Reflection of Charles Dickens in Great Expectations Introduction: The general definition of reflection is† to bring or cast as result â€Å". 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Useful Phrases for Structured Structured Monologue Free Essays

Useful Phrases for Structured Structured Monologue M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Structuring When delivering a structured monologue, one of the ways to begin your presentation is to outline its structure, using one of the following phrases: I’ve divided my presentation/speech into three (main) parts. In my presentation/speech I’ll focus on three major issues. We will write a custom essay sample on Useful Phrases for Structured Structured Monologue or any similar topic only for you Order Now M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Effective Openings In order to grab the attention of the audience you may employ one of the following devices: Rhetorical questions; Interesting facts; Stories and scenarios; Problems to think about; Quotations. M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Rhetorical questions Is market research important for product development? Do we really need time management seminars? Interesting facts According to an article I read recently, †¦ Did you know that †¦ ? I’d like to share an amazing fact / figure with you. M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Stories and Scenarios Let me tell you what happened to me †¦ Suppose †¦ Imagine †¦ Problem Problem to think about Suppose you wanted to †¦ . How would you go about it? Imagine you had to †¦ . What would be your first step? M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Quoting a well-known person As †¦ once said, †¦ To quote a well-known writer, †¦ To To put it in the words of †¦ M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Introducing a Point When delivering the presentation on the particular subject it is relevant to introduce the key points. You may use one of the following phrases: First First of all I’d like to point out †¦ The main problem is †¦ The question of †¦ Speaking of †¦ M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Enumeration of points If you are asked to provide several reasons, factors or arguments in a row, you have to organize them in the logical way. In order to structure your answer properly enumerate the main points using one of the suggested phrases: first first of all, I’d like to say †¦ in addition to that †¦ moreover, †¦ furthermore, †¦ another example of this is †¦ first, second, third †¦ Finally, †¦ M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Moving to the next point This leads directly to my next point. This brings us to the next question. Let’s now move on / turn to †¦ After examining this point, let’s turn to †¦ Let’s now take a look at †¦ M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Going back As I said / mentioned earlier, †¦ Let me come back to what I said before †¦ Let’s go back to what we were discussing earlier. As I’ve already explained, †¦ As I pointed out in the first section, †¦ M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Stating something as a fact Do not be afraid to state some information as a well-known act, if it is justified by the subject of discussion. However, you should be very careful when applying one of the following phrases: As As everyone knows †¦ It is generally accepted that †¦ There can be no doubt that †¦ It is a fact that †¦ Nobody will deny that â⠂¬ ¦ Everyone knows that †¦ M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Giving Your Opinion There exist a variety of ways how to express your opinion when speaking English. The choice of an expression to be used in the particular situation depends on how strong your opinion is, i. e. how sure you are about a articular thing. M. Platonova „Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Giving Your Opinion Neutrally I think†¦ I feel that†¦ In my opinion†¦ As As far as I’m concerned†¦ As I see it†¦ In my view I tend to think that†¦ From my point of view†¦ M. Platonova „Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Giving a Strong Opinion I’m absolutely convinced that†¦ I’m sure that†¦ I strongly believe that†¦ I have no doubt that†¦ There is no doubt that †¦ I am absolutely certain that †¦ M. Platonova „Mate rials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Expressing Uncertainty I definitely doubt if that †¦ I am not sure that †¦ I am not certain that †¦ As far as I know †¦ It is very doubtful whether †¦ M. Platonova „Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Giving reasons These standard phrases are useful in a variety of situations, when you are asked to explain something providing additional information or giving the reasons. The reason for this is (that) †¦ I base my argument on †¦ I tell you all this because †¦ M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Rephrasing Expressions Sometimes we say things that other people don’t understand, or we give the wrong impression. If you are asked to explain or clarify your idea, do not use the same expressions and/or phrases, try to reformulate it starting your answer using one of the following phrases: M. Platonova „Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† What I meant to say was†¦ Let me rephrase that†¦ Let me put this another way†¦ Perhaps Perhaps I’m not making myself clear†¦ The basic idea is†¦ One way of looking at it is†¦ Another way of looking at it is†¦ What I want to say is†¦ M. Platonova „Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† Indicating the end of your talk I’m now approaching / nearing the end of my resentation. Well, this brings me to the end of my presentation. That covers just about everything I wanted to say about †¦ As a final point, I’d like to †¦ Finally, I’d like to highlight one key issue. M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centra lised Exam† Drawing conclusions and sum-ming up The obvious conclusion is †¦ Last but not least †¦ The only alternative (left) is †¦ The The only possible solution/conclusion is †¦ In conclusion we can say that †¦ To cut a long story short, †¦ Just to give you the main points again, †¦ M. Platonova â€Å"Materials for the Speaking Part of the Centralised Exam† How to cite Useful Phrases for Structured Structured Monologue, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Marketing & Management

Question: Write essay onHSBC holding plc. Answer: Introduction HSBC holding plc is a multinational company which was established in Britain and is headquartered in London. Today, it holds the forth position in the worlds largest banks in terms of the assets. The total assets was supposed to be US $2.67 trillion. It was first established in London by the Hong Kong and Shanghai Corporation Limited as a new holding company. The HSBC group was first found in India in October 1853. It started with an initial capital of 5 million INR. The HSBC group is expanded though more than 8 thousand offices in more than 87 countries and are serving more than 100 million customers worldwide (Naresh, 2013). These offices are spread in Europe, Asia-Pacific region, Middle East, Africa and America. They accumulated a total assets of 2.4 billion till June 30 2010. It is considered as one of the biggest financial banking corporation around the globe. They also marketed themselves as the worlds local bank across all nations. The HSBC business has based out their operati on on 5 main pillars known as their 5 core principles of business: efficient and effective operations, strong liquidity and strong capacity, tightened expense discipline and easy lending policies (Sarwade, 2012). Segmentation, positioning and targeting of HSBC credit card Segmentation of HSBC credit card: HSBC follows the strategy of isolating the different segments in the market and then take the approach of segmented marketing. They have their own way of segmenting the market and that is based on creditability (Hyyppa, 2013). They push different types of credit card to different segments in the market on the basis of clustered preference of these segments. They also follow segmentation on the basis of geographical locations like based on states, cities, different regions etc. Their main agenda is always target both the urban and sub-urban market requirements. As the families in the modern culture are setup in such a way that both the parents in a family are working and the disposable income of families have gone up (Sheth, 2012). So keeping this in mind, HSBC has divided the market on the basis of the disposable income of the individuals, their social needs and their occupation. Further, people who fall in the same segment based in above classification may also vary on the basis of the psychological profiles depending on different personality and lifestyle. For this scenario, HSBC has collaborated with Westside and launched cobranded card that is considered as a prestigious card to hold (Chopek, 2013). HSBC also segment t market based on some other attributes/demographics of customers like customers attitude, usage, knowledge and feedback of the product. Targeting of HSBC credit card: HSBC targets its customers from Personal Banking, investments, assets based on the credibility of the customers. HSBC mostly targets on the existing customers to offer them better discounts and prospects to spend more on their credit card instead of always searching for new customers. They always work on bringing new rebates, discounts to their existing customers so that they can amplify their revenues from the existing customer base (Mohanasundaram, 2012). HSBC also offers new cards to the customers but from the viewpoint that the expense of non-performing assets will be minimum. Their main focus to clear out the credit card portfolio and maintain the growth rate on a continuous basis (Wang, 2012). Another major area where the company focuses is to upgrade the existing credit cards based on different income slabs of the customers. There are no prior eligibility of the customers of HSBC to get HSBC Premier credit card. The customers can have their card upgraded to premier card based on their card performance. HSBC covers the customers from all age groups by targeting the Westside store customers. As and when the urbanization is increasing, customer density is also increasing and hence HSBC is able to cater to the customers with maximum utilization of resources with minimum no of outlets (Jackson, 2016). HSBC are focusing on those customers here who are having a moderate salary as the products here are moderately priced. HSBC are focusing on the customers who are shopaholic in nature as they are most potential customers for HSBC to buy their credit cards. They are doing this by collaborating with Westside. Positioning of HSBC credit card HSBC plan to position their products to the customers as the one with better offers. They offer products as cheaper and new products as compared to its competitors. They differentiate their products from others by providing different lucrative offers (YANG, 2013). They follow customer- benefit approach as a targeting strategy. They differentiate themselves from others by providing features like fuel discounts, annual free gifts, airlines miles rewards, etc. They also offer superior and privileged savings for better shopping experience to its loyal customers. The credit offered by the HSBC is also globally accepted in more than 18 million outlets in the world. It has an access to more than 700 thousand ATM all round the clock. It also provides secured online payment option which is password protected and that too free of charge. Above all, they also provide no cost liability of the card when it is lost (Dibb, 2014). Micro and Macro environment forces affecting HSBC Micro environment factors: There are a lot of microeconomic factors which affect the HSBC Company which includes stakeholders, suppliers, customers, etc. Stakeholders: These are the people who have the highest priority in making any decision of the company so that their interest are covered in the decision making. There are many stakeholders of the company which includes government, local public, media people, internal people like employees, citizens, etc. These are the people who are directly involved in the decision making of the company and are the ones who are to be taken care of by the company (Manappa, 2012). Suppliers: Suppliers is one of the most important section of the self to cash cycle. They are the one from where the whole delivery cycle starts. It is very important for any company to maintain a strong bind with their suppliers as they are the ones who enable a company to be successful by providing all the supplies to the company. This is one segment which ones on relationships. HSBC does the same thing which is expected i.e. they maintain a very strong relationship with their suppliers (Sherman, 2015). Customers: We know that the customers are the centers for any business to run. HSBC takes utmost care of its customers and divide the customer market into 5 main markets: business clients, customers, government, reseller market and international clients. HSBC works hard to maintain their international relationship strong with their client for profits in the long run (Shafaat, 2012). Competitors: These are the ones who are responsible for making the business environment dynamic and inspire companies to come up something unique which is not available with others and which provides a differential factor to them. Market intermediaries: There are many third parties with whom HSBC partner for their promotion, distribution and selling processes. They also form a very important partner in the success of HSBC and have to be dealt with care (Jrvinen, 2012). Macroeconomic environment factors of HSBC: External Climate: In the year 1998, a major branding of the company was done when a global brand was introduced for HSBC along with its symbol in the hexagonal share. This symbol is known all over the world denoting HSBC. The company is not planning to make its brand universally synonymous spreading its core values of trust, integrity and excellent customer services (Deodhar, 2016). Economic factors: there are many economic factors which affect the products and services offered to the customers based on their preferences and expectation. This is achieved by partnering with a lot of companies which help them to attain what is required by the customers (Matatko, 2015). Political and legal factors: As we know that HSBC is operating in many countries which have different political and legal scenarios and it is important for the company to deal with each of them separately. The team of HSBC ensures the products and services offered by the company are accepted globally irrespective of region, culture, and they also make sure that they have skills and expertise to deliver globally. They have to deal with the global political and legal scenarios in an effective way (Babu, 2014). Cultural factors: HSBC makes sure that they provide solution to the people in all aspects ranging from global cash flow coordination to improved security, minimized costs, better operating expenses, better returns. This culture which is followed by HSBC makes the customers of HSBC happy and satisfied customers (Gurnani, 2014). Resources: The resources used by HSBC are the face of the company. The brand name of the company holds a lot of value in the eyes of the customers. The flag which was developed to denote the company logo was derived from the HSBCs traditional flag. Technology: The technology used by the company have been based on achieving High productivity, forming a unique organization. They build their core values based on integrity, trust and excellent customer services (Lee, 2014). Analysis of customer perceptions and behavior about the company Customers perception and customer satisfaction can be measured by how much the products and services offered by the company meets the customer expectations. It is considered to be one of the most important KPIs of the company and is considered to be one of the most important part of the companys nosiness strategy (Kumar, 2013). HSBC has been successful in retaining their existing customers and have always succeeded in increasing their customer base every year. This is a clear indication that the perception of the company among its customers is good. Although customer satisfaction is one topic which is ambiguous and it is difficult to understand the customers totally. The perception of the company can be measured by physical and psychological variables which measures the satisfaction level of the customers. It is of course a psychological state to be satisfied and it is attained when the customer gets everything which is expected by them and if they get something extra, then that becomes the wow factor for them (McCord, 2014). Various factors which will help to understand the customer perception and behaviors about the company are: Tangible factors: this will include physical facilities that are provided to the customers. All this include the tangible benefits which are offered to the customers which can be measured, valued, etc. Reliability: This is a trust which is being developed by the company by providing services to them on time so that the customers become dependable on the company and its offerings (Elaydi, 2013). Responsiveness: This is something where the company has to reply immediately to the expectation of the customers. Assurance: This is one factor which includes credibility, courtesy, security, accuracy in the work done by the company (Jnior, 2013). Empathy: These include communication, credibility, and security to the customers to have the right perspective to the customers. All these observations say that the customers of the company have a positive perception about the company and they believe in the core values of the company. They have trust on the company and they are delighted with the services provide by the company. One live example of these factors is even though the price of the credit cards of the company is too high as compared to other companies but still the customers are ready to be associated with HSBC as they have a good brand name (MAMUN, 2014). Marketing mix for the company HSBC Product: The bank offers credit card to its customers with various offers and benefits. The main advantage of the credit card offered by the company is 52 days credit card period for the payment of the credit card dues. They also provide their customers the facility of cash advance within some credit limit. There are different credit card that are being offered by the company to the customers which include: HSBC classic credit card, HSBC platinum credit card, HSBC gold credit card, HSBC Westside cobranded classic credit card, HSBC Westside cobranded Gold credit card (Escrig, 2014). The HSBC credit card also provides the customers the facility to transfer the balance which help them to transfer other dues for payment at lower interest rates. They also provide the facility to provide Loan on phones. They also have collaborated with CPP Assistance Service Pvt. Ltd. To allow services to the customers in case the card is lost, stolen, or any other frauds, etc. Price: The price of the HSBC credit card is high as compared to the other credit cards available in the market. Still, the customers choose to take the credit cards of the HSBC Company as they have a good brand name and have built trust among their customers. HSBC also charges some annual fees for the credit cards they offer and they also charge some joining fee for some of their credit cards. Place: The Company has a presence in many countries. They provide a lot of services to its customers which help them to avail those services while they travel abroad as well. They have a marketing advantage over others as they have enormous international presence. The customers of the company are given the facility to approach any of the branches of the company in any location to avail different services offered to its customers. They have developed a very strong distribution channel for their products and services so that they can reach out to their customers easily. Furthermore, their collaboration with the Westside has helped the company to grow enormously and to reach out to more people using the customer base of the Westside. Promotion: HSBC believes in forming a strong promotion of the company so that company can develop a good brand image and can use direct marketing strategies. There are many promotion strategies that can be used for reaching out to the customers like emails, brochures, advertising, cobranding, hoardings, etc. The sole aim of the company is to create a positive image among the customers. The Westside association helped the company in a lot of ways to reach out to the perspective customers. They also provide a lot of offers, coupons, deals and discounts to the customers so that they get attracted in buying and using more of the HSBC credit cards. They also introduce various cash back schemes while booking air tickets, buying expensive electronic items, booking holiday packages, etc. For example it has partnered with MakeMyTrip and are providing 5% to 10% discounts to the customers while using HSBC credit card to book flights in MakeMyTrip. The main aim of the company is to provide different products to the customers so that the horizons of the company can rise and the communication system of the company become robust. They also offer their customers cards which asks for pin code while swiping them at different merchant stores which ensure total security to the customers in cases of lost and theft. These products are for those customers who focus more on the security of the credit cards. Recommendations and conclusion to HSBC There are several recommendation which can be given to HSBC to improve their current operations and to excel more. Some of them are like the company has to follow a wait and react approach where they need to observes other businesses as how they are implementing their strategies and what offers they are providing to the customers and according the strategies of the companies should be finalized. They have to analyze their different teams and their operations like the combined risk which the company is taking while implementing any strategy, valuation of the solutions recommended, economics of the operational processes and the Human Resource Teams. For the banking companies it is always recommended to have a backup plan ready for the crisis situation or the scenarios where there is recession and the customers become more skeptical about investment or buying credit cards. They always have to reevaluate the assets they have and to execute portfolio reevaluation so that the risk is alway s divided among all. In the last decade the company has backed a lot of awards based on the companys effective and efficient business strategies. But at the same time the competition is increasing so the competitive advantage of any company does not last for long. So HSBC has to always involve new technologies to offer best solutions to its customers. They have to always provide diverse values clubbed into their strategies and create unique position in the market who have no fear from its competitors. They have to capture more market share and lead their way to unbeatable company. References Naresh, G., 2013. Prospect of green products, green companies, green markets green life.From the Editor-In-Chiefs Desk. Sarwade, W.K. and Gaikwad, S.B., 2012. A Study of Green Marketing Initiatives by Corporate Sector.Excel Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Science,1(3), pp.1-7. Hyyppa, P., Piikivi, L., Saukkonen, T., Markkanen, P.S. and Cofta, P., Nokia Corporation, 2013.Electronic transactions. U.S. Patent 8,447,359. Sheth, K. and Sheth, P., 2012. Role of Green Marketing in Current Scenario.Arth Prabandh: A Journal of Economics and Management,1(3). Chopek, P.S., 2013. Offshoring trends and foreign direct investments in the middle europe and bric area.Management Sciences/Nauki o Zarzadzaniu,14(1). Mohanasundaram, V., 2012. 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Television advertisements create false memories for competitor brands.Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition,4(1), pp.1-7. Shafaat, F. and Sultan, A., 2012. Green marketing.EXCEL International Journal of Multidisciplinary Management Studies,2(5), pp.184-195. Lam, A.Y., Cheung, R. and Lau, M.M., 2013. The influence of internet-based customer relationship management on customer loyalty.Contemporary Management Research,9(4), p.419. Jrvinen, J., 2012. Marketing through corporate sponsorship: case: companies and professional golf-understanding sponsorship and endorsement. Deodhar, P.S., 2016. My Experiences in Creating Indigenous Technology Enterprise in India. InThe Mind of an Engineer(pp. 237-244). Springer Singapore. Matatko, J., 2015. The effect of location on performance of mutual funds of Japanese stocks. Babu, E.N. and Sarathy, A.P., 2014. A STUDY ON COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF LIFE INSURER COMPANIES IN INDIA.International Journal of Applied Financial Management Perspectives,3(4), p.1365. Gurnani, P.S., 2014. Changing Status of Women-owned Enterprises in India-An Insight.Global Journal of Finance and Management,6(9), pp.933-944. Lee, S.H., Cucuringu, M. and Porter, M.A., 2014. Density-based and transport-based core-periphery structures in networks.Physical Review E,89(3), p.032810. Kumar, P., Chauhan, N.S. and Sharma, U., 2013. Green marketing initiatives by Indian corporate-prospects and confronts in facing global competition.Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management,3(2), p.34. McCord, R. and Prescott, E.S., 2014. The financial crisis, the collapse of bank entry, and changes in the size distribution of banks.FRB Richmond Economic Quarterly,100(1), pp.23-50. Elaydi, R. and Harrison, C., 2013. 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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Proper Etiquette in the Business setting Essays - Dress Codes

Proper Etiquette in the Business setting Proper Etiquette America is an image driven country. Management is aware of how they and their employees represent that image on behalf of the company. An employee's value to will be largely determined by how successful they are at projecting that image. Business etiquette is concerned with correct behavior and practices according to social convention. In the social realm, there are certain amount of etiquette that needs to be followed when dealing with business partners, co-workers and vendors. This is something that is a must any successful business. Because the office phone is one of the most commonly used pieces o office equipment and the main source of communication between an organization and its customers, it is imperative that you use proper business etiquette. A few tips when answering the office phone; always answer in three rings or less, answer with your name and the name of the company, make business call during regular office hours, and return calls in 24 hours or less. In addition, when using cell phones and pagers, always put them on vibrate so that it will not disturb others in your work area. Emails have become the main source of communication for most organizations today. Know that how you use your e-mail, company e-mail address and employers technology is a serious issue! Sending non-business related e-mails, jokes, forwards or chain letters on company time to friends or coworkers reflects on your lack of professionalism. Be careful who you cc (carbon copy) do not broadcast your every thought to all persons in your organization. When forging new business relationships and solidifying established partnerships, the level of professionalism and courtesy you relay in your business e-mail communications will always gain clients over the competition. Many companies have gone with the idea of shared workspaces. In most situations, it is because of economical reasons. Showing consideration to colleagues in an open plan office will only work if you all adopt a mutual respect for each other. Keep your desk tidy. This is especially important if you are sharing an open plan desk and show courtesy when using any shared spaces. Be careful when having conversations. Dont speak too loudly in shared workspaces. Remembering that not everybody will share exactly the same values as you, adopt a policy of treating people how youd like to be treated yourself. This is an essential benchmark to ensure a harmonious workspace. At first thought, when you hear the term business attire it seems fairly simple. The thoughts of business attire are far from simple. Business attire can be broken down into three very different categories: business formal, business professional, and business casual. Business formal attire is more than your everyday work attire. This category is used for dressy evening events such as awards ceremonies and formal dinners. Men should wear a dark suit with a French cut shirt and silk tie or bowtie. Cufflinks and silk pocket squares that coordinate with the tie are optional accessories. The shoes should be black and also coordinate with the overall appearance of the outfit. Women should wear a conservative dress or suit with a skirt. Women must take care in choosing a dress or suit that conservatively fits his/her body and style. Business professional is considered attire that sets you aside as a professional. For men and women this means a well coordinated suit and accessories. Suits should be a solid or pinstripe dark color complimented with a solid or striped white shirt. Ties are to be silk with a solid color or simple design. All suits should be accompanied by a belt; with a simple buckle; or suspenders. Women should have a simple skirted suit. These suits should be solid, neutral, and low key in color. No matter whether a dress or skirted suits, it should reach at or just below the knee. The accompanying blouse should be simple cotton or silk. The color of the blouse should be a solid color that coordinates with the suit. Makeup and perfume should be very light and subtle. Lastly shoes should be plain, solid and dark in color. Business Casual attire simply means you do not have to wear a suit to work. For

Monday, November 25, 2019

Briefing paper on Palestinian refugees in Lebanon

Briefing paper on Palestinian refugees in Lebanon Is the denial of rights such as the right to education and health mortifying to the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon? Introduction Late in the 1940’s Palestinians from the north of Palestine were forced to leave their homes due to attacks from Israeli military forces and ethnic cleansing. This briefing is directed at the Deputy High Commissioner, Koreas Ms. Kyung-wha Kang and the Assistant High Commissioners for Protection and Operations, Erika Feller and Judy Cheng-Hopkins who are directly concerned with the issues that have been elucidated on in the paper.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Briefing paper on Palestinian refugees in Lebanon specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This briefing will be delivered at a presentation with the concerned departments on the findings of research based on the current predicaments that the Palestinian refugees are facing. The paper aims to elucidate on the plight of the refugees and the gains that would be attained from application of their full rights as well as some practical solutions to the predicaments. It is pertinent to note that many homes were destroyed during the period so the Palestinians were forced to flee into Lebanon. During the first few months of their stay, they were provided with food and shelter by Lebanese farmers. They were also assisted by the LRCS (International League of Red Cross Societies) which provided tents, food and clothes while the Lebanese Government gave some form of backing by contributing free depots, protection, warehouses, manual labour as well transportation (Betts Loescher, 2010, p. 155). Aid was also provided from various private and public sources. Background of the issue In the 1950’s, the Sunni politicians demanded for a greater Muslim role in the Lebanese government. This together with the Sunni’s support for Nasser’s calls for Pan-Arabism led to the outbreak of a civil war in 1958. From th en onwards, the Israelis persistently refused to implement the UN General Assembly resolution 194 (Betts Loescher, 2010, p. 155). This part petitioned for the refugees to be allowed to go back to their domiciles and subsist in harmony with their fellow citizens at the earliest practicable time and that they should be compensated for loss of property resulting from the confrontations (Aristide, 1986, p. 160). The attitude of the Lebanese government then changed. So as to put off eternal relocation, the regime went ahead and placed callous limitations on the immigrants (Betts Loescher, 2010, p. 155). No housing development was allowed. Work permits for Palestinians suddenly became unobtainable in 1962. Betts and Loescher (2010, p. 155) stated that â€Å"martial law was also imposed on the refugee camps which resulted in the 1969 uprising in the camps†.Advertising Looking for report on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In 1969, the Lebanese government signed the Cairo agreement between itself and the Palestine Liberation Organisation. This improved the conditions for the refugees. The Palestinian immigrants obtained some rights such as freedom of movement, residency as well as labour rights. They were also granted the rights to defend themselves in Lebanon (Betts Loescher, 2010, p. 155). Aristide (1986, p. 160) elucidated that the rights â€Å"tied to the Cairo agreement never became national legislation†. The PLO was forced out of Lebanon after the 1982 invasion by the Israelites. Consequently, the situation for the Palestinian immigrants worsened. Hostility against Palestinian immigrants was among the main facets all through the warfare (Aristide, 1986, p. 160). The current situation in various sectors Education Aristide (1986, p. 160) asserts that the â€Å"Palestinian refugees are denied access to Lebanese public schools†. On the other hand, Betts and Loescher (2010, p. 155) designate that â€Å"the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA, 1949), offers secondary education in Lebanon to counter the effects of restrictions placed by the Lebanese government and the high cost of private schools†. This is mostly because they are beyond the means of Palestinian immigrants. It operates around 70 primary education institutions as well as three secondary institutions in Lebanon. However, most of the facilities in UNRWA operated schools are quite pitiable and the schools are over occupied and have limited or no recreational space. In a bid to take care of their spouses, majority of the scholars were coerced into ceasing their learning activities and seek for employment (Aristide, 1986, p. 160). The schools therefore, have very high dropout rates. Employment Palestinians without identity documents are unable to sit for the intermediate schooling exam if they do not have any recognized ID, hence, locking out many children from accessing secondary education. The Lebanese statute allows only skilled individuals from the Lebanese professional associations to partake in any profession (Kunz, 1973, p. 138). Such associations can be easily established but for foreigners they are regulated by reciprocity clause which states that non-citizens cannot form associations (Kunz, 1973, p. 138). Kunz (1973) further stated that: The major sources of income for Palestinian refugees are employment in shops and institutions within the refugee camps; employment in UNRWA and its affiliated institutions; remittances from relatives who work abroad; employment in Palestinian organisations and associations and employment in agriculture and Lebanese companies’. This is because a number of ministerial decrees prohibit Palestinians from about 72 trades and professions. (p. 138)Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Briefing paper on Palestinian refugees in Lebanon specifically for you for only $16.05 $1 1/page Learn More Healthcare The Palestinian health centres and shops in the camps of immigrants have been prominent hunting points for the Lebanese police officers (Mason, 2000, p. 248). Since the early 1990’s, the Lebanese police have been arresting Palestinian individuals with unlicensed facilities. In 2005, the Lebanese minister of labour granted Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, the right to work in private sector jobs. It is however not known if this decision will make an impact as obtaining a work permit is an expense that very few Palestinian refugees can afford. Immigrants from Palestine are not allowed to use the public medical amenities in Lebanon (Kunz, 1973, p. 138). As a result they are forced to rely on healthcare that is provided by UNWRA or in hospitals that have contracts with them. Due to limited funding and resources they can only provide primary and secondary but not tertiary healthcare. Another healthcare provider is the Palestinian Red Cr escent Society (PRCS). The withdrawal of the PLO has had a negative impact on the scope and quality of services the PRCS provides. Social security All children born to non-ID Palestinian fathers do not receive any identification documents from the Lebanese government nor are they registered with UNRWA therefore remain non-ID as well (Mason, 2000, p. 248). Basing on the implication of the reciprocity clause, individuals from other countries living in Lebanon are allowed to equally enjoy the universal rights just like the other citizens of Lebanon (Good-Gill, 2001, p. 139). But since it is claimed that Palestinians do not belong to any particular state, the clause does not apply to them (Mason, 2000, p. 248). Individuals working in Lebanon from Palestine do not have any right of social defence (Chimni, 2009, p. 16). Restrictions on building Reconstructing of camps that were completely obliterated is forbidden by the Lebanese authorities. Chimni (2009, p. 16) asserted that â€Å"recon struction or building in other camps requires a special permit which is usually not issued†. Fighters of the Lebanese government also substantiate that Palestinians are not ferrying any building materials illegally. This is because it is regarded as a serious offense that is punishable by arrest or detention. Property ownership and transfer Persons who do not carry a citizenship certificate offered by the state are prohibited by the presidential decree from owning property in Lebanon. Chimni (1998, p. 361) attests that â€Å"these rulings further imply that non-Lebanese persons can acquire property in Lebanon, but only under certain conditions like- the property should not be in excess of 3000 square metres†. The property rule in the country of Lebanon proscribes individuals from Palestine from owning property. The law also proscribes the Palestinian kids from inheriting their parents’ assets (Aristide, 1986, p. 160).Advertising Looking for report on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Naturalisation Travelling manuscripts are often issued by the Lebanese regime to ensure that individuals from Palestine are not only working but also living abroad (Mason, 2000, p. 248). There are quite a number of diverse documents which are given to the Palestinians to make use of when travelling around. Immigrants who are registered with both UNWRA and DAPR are given lasting nationality certificates as well as a five year renewable travel certificate. Those indexed with only DAPR are supplied with forms or papers of everlasting nationality and a Laisser Passer with one year validity. These are renewable thrice while refugees who are not registered with any of the two institutions are not issued with any travel documents (Castles, 2003, p. 28). Mason (2000, p. 248) asserts that â€Å"in 1995, the Lebanese ministry of internal affairs imposed an entry and exit visa leaving many Palestinians with travel documents stranded outside†. The restrictions have since been eased. The statute of Lebanon has banned the relocation of refugees from Palestine (Mason, 2000, p. 248). In 2003, the president of the then newly formed cabinet stressed that the government will not back down on its insistence that Israeli grants or complies with the right of return of Palestinian refugees and that Lebanon rejects any plans for their resettlement in Lebanon Civil society The government as well as majority of the Lebanese population completely oppose the full integration of the Palestinian refugees in the country. One reason behind this is that they hold the refugees responsible for the civil war outbreak in Lebanon. Castles (2003, p. 28) in his research stated that â€Å"currently Palestinians who are born in Lebanon and the children of Lebanese mothers and Palestinian fathers who are considered Palestinians are not granted Lebanese citizenship†. Residency of an everlasting nature is nevertheless approved for any Palestinian female who may get betrothed or affianced to a man from Lebanon. The nongovernmental organizations in Palestine are outlawed from operating in Lebanon. However, PRCS is excluded from this law. In order to operate such an organization the requirement is that they must be first registered as a Lebanese NGO, serve both Palestinians and Lebanese and that majority of the employees must be Lebanese citizens (Castles, 2003, p. 28). Comment Generally the situation in Lebanon has led to worldwide action and petitions from humanitarian organisations (Castles, 2003, p. 28). The Palestinian refugees are greatly mistreated and the Lebanese government has done comparatively little in an effort to make their lives more bearable. In this time and age violation of basic human rights should be a thing of the past. So far the Lebanese government has received criticism from all over the world due to this issue. It is time for the leaders of the country to demonstrate good leadership qualities by amending the laws of the land so as to contribute to the general development of the entire state. Recommendations Given the harsh living conditions of the refugees in Lebanon, the following recommendations would greatly assist in making the life of Palestinian refugees much better: Provision by the Lebanese government of adequate shelter and functioning infrastructure in refugee camps would go a long way in resolving the issue. This will improve the living conditions of the refugees and the government may even benefit from commercial activities that may arise from setting up infrastructure (Richmond, 1993, p. 17). Ensure access to health facilities and affordable medication to all Palestinian refugees especially for the provision of healthcare at tertiary level. The Lebanese government should also make an effort to secure additional support for UNRWAs care programme for severe chronic illnesses (Kunz, 1973, p. 138). The Palestinian children should be allowed to join public schools so as to reap from the benefits of quality educati on hence, boosting their employability. This will benefit the whole country as the number of educated individuals in the entire country will increase. A high level of unemployment has never been beneficial to any region and the same applies to the Palestine region. The number of unemployed individuals ought to be increased. The needs of the most vulnerable members of the Palestinian refugees such as persons with disabilities, women and children should be addressed. They should not be ignored any longer. Food security for refugees should be enhanced. Government spending ought to be concentrated on creating jobs and initiatives for enhancing the food security. The Lebanese government should reconstruct the ongoing emergency relief stores in Nahr el-Bared camp and design a comprehensive Poverty Reduction Strategy. Involving all the stake holders will be beneficial to the cause since they will know what exactly works for them as they consider the other parties that may be involved in th e consultations (Richmond, 2002, p. 707). The government should lift the bans on providing the Palestinians with citizenship in a move to benefit from the labour capital that the Palestinians can offer. Conclusion The situation in Lebanon requires a complete overhaul in the laws and attitude of the entire nation towards Palestinian refugees. The UNHCR should therefore take up the task of liaising with the Lebanese government with the intention of ensuring that their laws are in compliance with international human rights. The changes will also go a long way in ensuring that the rest of the world recognises the fact that some action is being taken to improve on the conditions as well as the living standards of the refugees. It is important for the concerned parties to elucidate on their commitment to embrace the changes that have been recommended. Most of the basic rights that many people enjoy are a luxury and the people ought to be able to reap from the benefits accorded to them by the governments and administrations. References Aristide, Z 1986, ‘International factors in the formation of refugee movements, International migration review, vol. 20 no. 2, pp. 151-169. Betts, A Loescher, G 2010, Refugees in international relations, Refugees in International Relationships, vol. 6 no. 3, pp. 1-28. Castles, S 2003, ‘Towards a sociology of forced migration and social transformation, Sociology, vol. 37 no. 1, pp. 13-34. Chimni, S. B 1998, ‘The geo-politics of refugee studies: a view from the south’, Journal of refugee studies, vol. 11 no. 4 , pp. 350-374. Chimni, S. B 2009, The birth of a ‘discipline’: from refugee to forced migration, Journal of Refugee Studies, vol. 22 no. 1, pp. 11-29. Good-Gill, G. S 2001, Refugees challenges to protection. International migration review, vol. 35 no. 1, pp. 130-142. Kunz, F. E 1973, ‘The refugee in flight: kinetic models and forms of displacement, International migration review, vol. 7 no. 2 , pp. 125-146. Mason, E 2000, ‘Forced migration studies: surveying the reference landscape’, Libri, vol. 50 no. 1, pp. 241-251. Richmond, A. H 2002, ‘Globalization: implications for immigrants and refugees, Ethnic and racial studies, vol. 25 no. 5, pp. 707-727. Richmond, A. H 1993, ‘Reactive migration: sociological perspectives on refugee movements, Journal of refugee studies, vol. 6 no. 1 , pp. 7-24.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Facility and venue management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Facility and venue management - Essay Example The external environment of a venue can include the infrastructure, availability of social amenities, reliability of the means of transport to get into or out of the venue, and the security of the area within which the venue is established. All these factors are not the main ones in the establishment of a venue in a place but are a crucial consideration (Kronenburg 6). This implies that a combination of internal factors and external factors assure success of a venue established in a place to serve people, guarantees its success. How internal factors affect success of a venue Success for a venue means that it has put in place different systems that ensure profitability in its different context without compromising its future productivity. This means that a venues that has to succeed, needs to implement various systems that will ensure that they are able to exploit the environment efficiently. In this aspect of the a company, a management can implement different plans that will establi sh different personnel in the management of the venue are actively involved and are giving their maximum to attain the success of it. This means that the management of venues should streamline itself to optimize the productivity of all the workers within it and all human resource personnel who it depend on for success (Kronenburg 11). Another aspect of the internal factors that a venue should consider is the technological development which it puts in place to process different data, or to optimize use of resources within it. For example, to ensure that a venue is able to make profits, it can implement a technology of energy saving which will ensure that they do not use the expensive energy and implement use of solar energy, which is very sustainable. On the other hand, a venue do not have to process the entry of the people through manual operation as it takes long and very inaccessible when there are large crowd. To ensure they solve this, the venue management will can establish an internet based system through which people can book their tickets for entry and pay for them from wherever there are without necessarily visiting the premises. Another thing that can attract customers into a venue is its level of cleanliness and environment that ensure that occupants are able to access all the needs within short time (Kronenburg 31). How external factors influence the success of a venue There are different external factors are not the main things a venue is based but which pose important implication on its performance at any given time in different areas. For example, in establishing a venue, initiators need to understand that policies of a reigning power, which could be a government or other organization responsible, guide people in an environment to ensure orderliness in the area. The government has their policies that dictate how business can be done in such areas and they impose on them venue opened. This means that if the taxation is heavy, the amount of profit a venue ought to make is scale down limiting its success (Kronenburg 79). Another aspect of the external environment that is important to a venue is the demographic differences of the people living within as could be related to their economic power, age as well as their gender differences and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Company Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Company Law - Essay Example The intention of the law makers is to establish a corporate fiction which is regarded as a legal juristic person with a separate legal entity, which is distinctive from the shareholders who own it and which gives the primary benefit of limited liability to shareholders. The main aim behind is that to encourage the shareholders to offer capital and to assume more risk on investments. By designing this, not only the costs are externalised but also the risk is mitigated to third parties. Due to this limited liability criterion, investor confidence is encouraged which in turn will kindle the economic development. Thus, limited liability can be seen as the foundation of the capitalism. Further, as moral hazard comes into operation, the benefits may not be equal to the externalisation costs thereby creating economic losses to third parties. So as to promote justice and fairness, the court may disregard the assumption of limited liability infrequently and thus court will inflict personal li abilities on the shareholders for the losses suffered by third parties in dealing with the company. This doctrine is called as lifting of corporate veil and this research essay will analyse how the courts are lifting the corporate veil when fairness and justice require it. Thus, the lifting of the corporate veil is a highly litigated issue in the corporate law sector1. Lifting of Corporate Veil under Fairness and Justice Grounds Under English Companies Act, the company is a distinct legal person wholly divergent from its members, and the company is entrusted to enjoy the privileges and owe some duties, which are distinct from that of rights or duties enjoyed by its shareholders. This notion has been regarded as a veil, a curtain or a shield between the members and the company. As an iron curtain, the shield is regarded as an impassable curtain. This has been well established in the case Salomon v Salomon & Co Ltd2. In this case, â€Å"it was held by the House of Lords that the comp any had been incorporated appropriately, and it was a legal person before the law and was different from those who established it†. As there was no fraud was committed by Solomon, the House of Lords were of the opinion that the secured debentures issued to Solomon would have priority over the unsecured creditors in the case of winding up proceedings of the company. Though 100% shares were held by Solomon and his family members, the court observed that company is distinct from its shareholders3. The creditors witness an inherent peril in dealing with a company since liability of shareholders is limited. When the risks are improperly or excessively transferred to creditors by the shareholders, then the liability shield is not justified. Under this scenario, courts have the capacity to disregard the separate corporate identity. The courts balance two competing features namely offering economic and democratic justification for the limited liability characteristic so as to promote the growth of the economy and the corporations and hence, the courts will be always hesitant to lift the corporate veil. However, the society and the creditors should be safeguarded as well from any peril unleashed by the companies and the shareholders. This fairness argument compels the courts to lift the corpo

Monday, November 18, 2019

Public administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Public administration - Essay Example The process of formulating a new public policy often follows three stages: agenda setting, option-formulation, and then finally implementation. This obviously revolves around the problem to be solved. A perfect example is the problem of health care in the US. The Affordable Care Act/ Obama Care is an example of public health policy that was recently implemented in the US. President Obama signed into law The Patients Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) in March 23rd 2010. This policy aims to help more Americans gain access to health insurance at affordable rates. This is because millions of US citizens are uninsured. The ACA works in phases to reduce the number of uninsured by introducing an Individual Mandate. By 2014 every uninsured individual (Adults and Children) will be required to have some form of health insurance by paying up to $285/year to virtual health insurers online. Women will not pay higher premiums and insurers will have issue a cover regardless of enrollees having pre-existing medical conditions. Under ACA, insurers are also requires to spend at least 80% of their premiums in actual health care. The ACA strives to push health insurance prices down and also maintain quality of care in the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Management In Retail Asda Information Technology Essay

Management In Retail Asda Information Technology Essay The wide spread growth of business which consists of several functionalities lead to the invention of Enterprise resource planning system with better customer management system.. Also the increased use of computers and internet has encouraged many organizations to do business online. Most of the businesses try to interact with their potential and existing customers through internet via opinions on blogs, online discussion forums, and consumer product review websites. Any organization with a close consumer base like the should think how to use web 2.0 applications to enhance the business. Especially the large retail companies with large customer base should use the latest technologies like web 2.0 to be competitive and to provide better customer service. Currently many large retail organizations like many large-scale supermarkets have managed to incorporate Enterprise resource planning in to their business. Further, the customer management plays a very critical role on the success of those businesses. The organizations, which are providing excellent customer service, have better competitive advantage over the others who do similar businesses. A brief introduction about Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer service management and Web 2.0 will help the readers to understand the research better. Firstly, ERP, which is an abbreviation for Enterprise Resource Planning, which is basically an integration of business management practices and modern technology. Information Technology (IT) is integrated with the other business processes such as Human resources, Finance etc in order to achieve the business objectives of the company. ERP consists of three most important components; Business Management Practices, Information Technology and Specific Business Objectives. Moreover, it is a huge software architecture, which helps to integrate information of the functional units of large businesses that are geographically scattered. . Customer management system aimed at improving the relationship between enterprises and customers. Many companies, to learn more about the customer needs and behaviors in order to build a strong relationship with them. This process also help those companies to gather information about customers, sales, marketing effectiveness, responsiveness and market trends which will help them to be competitive in their businesses. This dissertation will critically analyse the impact of Customer Relationship Management in ASDA and to analyse the ways in which it can be successfully used to gain competitive advantage. The answer is sought through a comprehensive analysis of the retail companies such as large supermarkets that uses Information Technology and engaged in Customer Relationship Management to improve their businesses. . Further, Expert opinions in regard to this subject, through interviews and questionnaires, will be sought from those companies to suggest new ways to enhance the business opportunities by mitigating the potential risk with the use of these systems. Problem definition Based on the research done on current IT field, I found that web 2.0 is very popular between everyone. And to relate it to more practical scenario, I decided to do a research on how this can be successfully put in to practice for the improvement of information sharing. Further, customer Management, which plays a key role in those companies and to find a better method to improve the customer Management through the information sharing with the new technology like web 2.0. Research questions The following research problems and questions can be used to analyze this problem to find an effective way to solve the problems. Main Question What are the important aspects of Customer Relationship Management in a retail outlet and how Information Technology can be used to enhance its functionality? (Enterprise resource planning systems and the use of web 2.0 for information sharing) Sub Questions What is CRM and what it means to retail organizations? The use of Information Technology in a retail outlet? Opportunities and risks of web 2.0 to a retail organization and the ways in which it can be handled to gain completive advantage over other competitors? How can retail organisation like ASDA, can incorporate information technology in to the business to improve its customer relationship management? The CRM models that can guide to build successful leading retail businesses. Aims and Objective Based on the research done on the retail outlet such as ASDA were customer relationship management plays a key role in its survival. With the current technological advancement the Information technology plays a key role. With such requirements, I found that web 2.0 is very popular between everyone. And to relate it to more practical scenario, I decided to do a research on how this can be successfully put in to practice for the improvement of information sharing. Further, customer Management, which plays a key role in those companies and to find a better method to improve the customer Management through the information sharing with the new technology like web 2.0. And also in this internet age everything done via web applications and therefore the Web 2.0 plays a key role in the future development of Business like retail outlets were customer uses internet to buy goods and services. Framework The related research is structured in the following way: As a primary step of the thesis undertaken, I would like to focus on the literature review to undergo a thorough study in the field of CRM to find out the risks and opportunities exist for an organization to adopt these popular tools to the improvement and productivity of the business. As a secondary step, with the knowledge gained from these studies, the survey is to be carried out in two phases. In the first phase of the survey involve designing and distributing survey questionnaires among the friends and colleges who works or shops at a retail outlet like ASDA with in UK . As a second phase of the survey involve follow up interviews with the respondents to gather further information in the relevant areas which are covered in the questionnaires. At the end the data collected through these phases are analysed to come up with some suggestions that can help the organization to attain benefits through IT. Gantt Chart It is a tool developed by Henry Gantt in 1917, to provide a simple visual representation of the task or activities that make up a research project. In this the research time scale can be divided into sub stages and each main activity can be scheduled according a time limit. The time we estimated each task is represented by the length of an associated horizontal bar, whilst the tasks start and finish times are represented on the tile line.(Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis, Adrian Thornhill, 2009) (Refer Appendix -1 -Dissertation schedule) Literature Review 2.1 Introduction about CRM. Wikipedia defines Customer relationship management (CRM) as a broadly recognized, widely-implemented strategy for managing and nurturing a companys interactions with clients and sales prospects (Wiki, 2010). CRM uses the technology is used to organize and automate business processes such as sales activities, marketing, customer service and technical support. But the ultimate goal of CRM is attract new clients, keep the existing clients happy and save cost in marketing and customer service. Many organizations build their own databases that describe about customer and their relationship with the organization that enable the management and sales people to offer products and services that suits the customer expectations. Generally the application architecture of the CRM has three important parts namely operational CRM, Analytical CRM and collaborative CRM. Operational CRM is to handle the front office business processes including customer service, marketing and sales, whereas the analytical CRM focus on analysing the customer segments based on the data collected within Operational CRM. Finally the collaborative CRM help the organization to interact with customers using all the available channels to find solution that bring all the entities together in order for the company to provide better service to its customers. The new technology inventions and the use of internet have brought new ways of doing business. The companys future success and its profitability is heavily depends on how that company treats its customers, that is why many companies including retailers invest heavily on improving the ways of doing business to improve customer satisfaction. Firms develop strategies and technologies for implementing better customer service management to be profitable in the current intensive and dynamic market environment (Pani and Venugopal, 2008). There are many current IT developments in the retail sector that can help the retailers to gain competitive advantage over its competitors. Following IT systems such as Self checkout systems, new multimedia displays, electronic shelf labelling, and fraud detection systems, U-Scan (the worlds widely used self checkout systems), Loss prevention software and Corema (helping retailers to create deliver and track loyalty programs and targeted offers and promotions) are used by many retailers to gain customer satisfaction. Further, the emerging technology like intelligent agents can be used as a tool to achieve e-CRM in internet. 2.2 Evaluation of Digital Media The rise of the internet in 90s created a new mechanism to distribute information among people. In the PC era the physical data is stored in digital form in to CDs and flash drives but, with the wide use of internet the web 2.0 technology emerged to enable two way , many to many communication via internet in the form of feedback, ideas, reviews and recommendations which encourages the participation of the interested parties. The following four developments are the crucial milestones that the internet media has gone through in the past decade. The primary development can be stated as the development of website communities that can be considered as an originator of the current time wikis and blogs, which is followed by the introduction of rich site summery (RSS) which is used to manage the frequently updated contents. The next milestone of this development process was the introduction of search engine marketing where the advertisement is returned just in time. The Googles Ad Words is one such example of this which helps many small businesses to reach many new customers. The final developments was the introduction of behavioural targeting which creates a profile based on the user history and other information to target the customers according to their preferences. (Shih,2009) 2.3 Web 2.0 The web communication technology field has emerged through different innovations. The latest revolution in this field is called Web 2.0 . It was considered as the first phase of web evolution. This concept was first identified during a conference brainstorming session between OReilly and MediaLive International. Web 2.0 doesnt have a hard defined boundary therefore, It can be simply described as a set of principles and practices that tie together a veritable solar system of sites that demonstrate some or all of those principles, at a varying distance from that core (O Reilly,2005). Finding a common definition for web 2.0 was a tedious task for the researchers. Therefore , we can come to a common understanding by analysing the definitions that are given by different researchers in this field. According to Tim OReilly: Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform. Chief among those rules is this: Build applications that harness network effects to get better the more people use them. Former Vice President of Product Management at Google Adam Bosworth describes Web 2.0 as rich intelligent clients who share information across the web and deal with richer media (photos, sound, video). Although different people have different opinion about web 2.0, all of them agree that it is a better we communication platform which has the ability to harness collective intelligence, enhance the user participation and collaboration. Therefore, we all agree on the fact that it brings new cutting edge opportunity for the overall users. The second phase of the web evolution is emerging and it is called Web3.0 . During Web 1.0 era the contents are purely created by the producers for the users to share among them. But during the Web 2.0 the users have given the chance to participate equally in the content creation. Finally the Web 3.0 has brought the users more closely to the machines so that both the producers and users can create more interactive dynamic contents. Users and developers define Web 3.0 as personalization of the Web. The primary target of web 3.0 is connecting different set of data that is produced by different people in different places so that the limitations that exist in Web 2.0 can be eliminated to improve the benefits that it bring to the users (Pattal et al,2009) . 2.3.1 Characteristics of Web 2.0 Web 2.0 has created a new revolution in the field of internet technology. But still there is a big confusion exist among the experts about the nature of web 2.0. Some have the opinion that there is no significant different between web 1.0 and web 2.0 but, others believe that it is a unique and revolutionary thing. By looking at the characteristics of this technology one can agree that it is different from other technologies that are existed before. Let us look at the key characteristics which clearly differentiate web 2.0 services from earlier technologies :(Chaffey, 2009) Network as platform: Unlike web 1.0, the web 2.0 has the ability to run the software application through the browsers with out installing it locally. Here the network act as a platform which host those applications. Rich user experience and open culture: One of the key benefits of web 2.0 is that,, it allow the reuse of the contents that are contributed by the others which encourage the people to share their knowledge to create an open culture .This freedom in knowledge sharing will encourage the user participation that can create a collective intelligence which can be beneficial to the company as well as to the society as a whole. Always beta: One of the key feature of web 2.0 is a continuous improvement . The services are constantly updated to improve the functionalities that are available in those services. Scalability: Wiki defines scalability as a desirable property of a system, a network, or a process, which indicates its ability to either handle growing amounts of work in a graceful manner. It also a key feature of web 2.0 that make it more efficient than its predecessors. Tagging: Rather than having to rely on use of formal classification systems (which may not be meaningful to many users) tags can be created by users. The tags, which may also be meaningful to their peers, provide communal ways of accessing Web resources. Embedding: Many examples of Web 2.0 services allow the content to be embedded in third party Web sites, blogs, etc. User interactive: Web 2.0 sites uses latest response technologies like AJAX , CSS in their sites which make them more user attractive and the use of these technologies make the website more dynamic which can incorporate more information in a given space. Simple design: Most of the Web 2.0 applications like social networking sites, photo sharing sites like Flicker etc are focused on single purpose which makes the users to understand the system quickly and the simple design enhance the usability of the system. 2.3.2 Web 2.0 Applications Web 2.0 contains variety of services and tools that enable the people to learn, communicate , and access information effectively. Here are some of the popular tools and services that are used to facilitate the collaboration among the users(Virkus,2008): Users can bookmark their favourite sites and can share that with other users. RSS: RSS stands for really simple syndication feeds. RSS feed give a typical way of updating the wide range of web users with the list of headlines, notices and the most current information that are updated automatically by the publisher. (Myhill et al, 2009). Open access repositories: It provides a new way of publishing so that information is available for the large range of interested audience specially it is usefull in assessing research where the researchers need high level of publicity. (Myhill et al, 2009) Blogs: Herring et al defines the Blog as, frequently modified web pages in which dated entries are listed in reverse chronological order and he specify that it can create a close connectivity among the bloggers who are linked with each other to comment on each others blogs . Also, a blog can function as an online journal which is written by individual or by a group of people , and the people who has the common interest can use the blogs as a tool to share , reflect and debate about this common topic within the community of practice (Baumer et al,2008) Podcasts and Video blogs: Geoghegan and Klass define podcasting as audio content available on the Internet that can be automatically delivered to your computer or MP3 player. The core of the podcasting is of creating audio or video contents for the audience in order for them to listen to it whenever that is convenient for them. The convenience in acquiring these contents relieve the users from the time spent on searching and downloading, and they can utilize this time on something more beneficial for the company. The most current developments in portable information like the iPod and smart phones have increased the popularity of podcasting among young professionals (Ractham and Zhang, 2006). The information relevant to any tasks undertaken by the employees is essential for them to complete them successfully. Therefore accessing the information with less effort will motivate the employees to accomplish their task with less cost. Through podcasting the relevant information like latest conferences regarding the current technologies and developments can be made available to the IT professionals, for them to access the task relevant information which will help them complete their tasks more efficiently with no rejection. 2.4 Enterprise 2.0 The enterprise social software is a very important component of enterprise 2.0 also known as ERP 2.0. It is social software that is used by the organizations to manage their internal and external communication. According to Carl Frappaolo and Dan Keldsen the Enterprise 2.0 can be defined as a system of web-based technologies that provide rapid and agile collaboration, information sharing, emergence and integration capabilities in the extended enterprise.(Wiki,2009). Generally the Web 2.0 refers to the technologies that are used to share information via internet, but the term Enterprise 2.0 is a specialized version of Web 2.0 which focus only on those platforms that companies can buy or build in order to make visible the practices and outputs of their knowledge workers. The technologies of Enterprise 2.0 such as search, links, authoring, tags and extensions provide an easy usability for the knowledge worker and it consist tools that can the help the knowledge work emerge from the workers which is an essential source for the productivity of the company.( McAfee, 2006). Over the years the initial novelty stage of Enterprise 2.0 has passed successfully by learning new things lessons through the challenges faced. Now the new practical focus is emerged on creating and managing of business communities, finding ways to deliver measurable business value and learning best ways through collaboration and social software. Many organizations are implementing enterprise 2.0 for their business which includes the components like enterprise social networking, wikis, and social CRM which can bring the potential benefits. (Hinchcliffe, 2009) . Research Design and Methodology 3.1 Introduction The research can give different meaning to different people. But simply research can be defined as a process of finding solutions to a problem after a thorough study and analysis of the situational factors( Sekaran and Bougie, 2003) . Any research can be categorised as academic or business research. The academic research is performed on scholar purpose which is not client oriented whereas, the business research is performed to investigate a specific problems in the work setting which are client oriented. The business research can be further classified as exploratory, descriptive and casual research based on the purpose of the research. The exploratory research is conducted to find out about any business opportunities, whereas the descriptive research is to describe the characteristics of people, groups, organizations or environments. But the purpose of casual research is to identify the cause and effect relationships. (Zikmund,2010) 3.2 Research process or Research methodology The research methodology or research process is influenced by the purpose of the research undertaken. Therefore it is very crucial to select an appropriate research process to attain successful results at the completion of the project. The study undertaken here follows a cyclic research process that contains a sequence of highly interrelated activities. As shown in the below figure, any research is started by selecting a research topic from the subject area related to your degree. Then further information has to be gathered about the topic by searching the literature of previous studies and other sources. Using the information gathered the general interest has to be narrowed down to a particular research problem that can be used to define the research questions. The next important step in the research process is the research design which starts with the research paradigm which is the framework that guides the research. After designing the research the relevant data should be collected using different data collection methods. According to the research paradigm the collected data should be analysed and presented in the thesis at the end of the research process. Choose a topic and search the Literature Review the literature and define the research problem /Research questions Design the research and write the proposal Collect the research data Analyse and interpret the research data Write the dissertation , thesis or research report Figure 3.1: Overview of Research process, Source: (Collis and Hussey,2009) 3.3 Research Approach The research process can be compared to a map, because there is no single right path that can be defined for a journey. The path one wants to take depends on where he wants to go and the resources that are allocated. Accordingly the research process that needs to be followed depends on the research undertaken and the resources and the time allocated to the specific project. (Zikmund, 2010) 3.4 Data collection methods Data collection methods are an important part of research design. The data that are collected during the research can be categorized as primary and secondary data. Primary data can be collected through the data collection methods like interviews and questionnaires whereas the secondary data can be gathered through books , periodicals ,government publications , media and company annual report. The time and cost can be saved through the use of secondary data but totally rely on the secondary data can have a risk of being obsolete (Sekaran and Bougie, 2010). 3.4.1 Interviewing Interviewing is one of the popular methods of collecting relevant data of the research undertaken. According to Kahn and Cannel the Interview can be defined as a discussion between two or more people. Interviews can be used to collect valid and reliable data which are relevant to the identified research questions and the objectives of the project. Interviews can be categorized as structured, semi structured or unstructured. Unstructured interviews dont contain any planned set of questions to be asked from the respondents. This will help to bring out some preliminary issues to the surface. Semi structured interviews are more flexible than the structured ones where the researcher got a theme of questions which can vary from one interview to the other. Finally the structured interviews are formal interviews which have identical standardized questions. A comprehensive study of CRM, CRM tools, Web2, ERP, and the importance of CRM in a retail outlet were carried through a literature survey. Questionnaire survey and interviews has been selected for the research methodology to conduct the selected research. The data that were collected through the questionnaires and interviews are recorded and the analysed under different criteria. At the end of the project time line, the findings of the research undertaken were presented in the final dissertation.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Education Beyond Undergraduate Essay -- Masters Graduate School Essays

Education Beyond Undergraduate Graduate or professional education is an often-debated topic for a large number of University seniors. Regardless of the undergraduate degree many students must decide whether to enter the job market or go to school for another couple of years. When these students are faced with this decision it is important to look at what they consider. Is it job satisfaction, future pay, or the mere fact that they want to spend a few more years in college? These issues are all very important to students in very different manners. An important reason students consider continuing their education beyond their undergraduate degree is job satisfaction. Through my marketing classes, I have learned that my generation (generation X) is more concerned with their job satisfaction than compensation or benefits. Was job satisfaction a motivator in my decision to continue my education beyond graduate school? Definitely, I feel that with the graduate degree I plan to receive will enable me to attain a job that will make me happy. I think that this is something all college students think about when they try to pick a major in college. If I am satisfied with my job when I get into the â€Å"real world,† it will not matter to me what pay I receive. Is it possible that there are students who decide to continue their education just for the difference in pay they receive? I truly think it is. It is important to consider how students that go beyond an undergraduate degree pay for their schooling. As a person who is planning to go through Law School, I think that whether or not a person goes beyond undergraduate depends on how hard they struggled financially during their undergraduate schooling. I feel that if th... ...hings are very important to a lot of people. A large number of people want to receive an education that gives them a better shot at being economically stable in the future. It is very important for students to consider an education beyond undergraduate. I believe that many students are faced with this decision at the end of each school year. It is also viable to believe that these three items in this essay are of great significance to these graduating seniors. When a student spends four to five years in undergraduate school, they feel worn out and feel that school is the last place that they want to be. But, after considering some of these facts, they may feel that a graduate or professional education is exactly what they should do whether they look at future job satisfaction, future compensation, or just want to spend a few more years with their friends.